I am dedicated to help you raise our future.
Let's team up.

Irma Oke, CPA
There is a reason why Irma Oke is known as “the CPA Queen for Daycares”. Her love for children, and her passion for quality childcare has led her to create the CPA firm that is specialized in Daycare centers.
Why children? Irma focuses on children because they are our future. We build future leaders through meaningful daily interactions with children. Our leaders today were created through teachings from parents, teachers, neighbors, and other family members. The popular saying is indeed true, “it takes a village to raise a child”. We can strengthen a community by surrounding our youth with quality influences inside and outside the home.
Comparing this analogy to raising our children, our seemingly insignificant interactions with them will eventually impact or create “dents” in their lives. These dents are manifested throughout their adulthood. Because of this, our interconnections from birth through school need to purposeful.
To contribute to the village that influences our children, Irma chose to focus her practice on Daycares. She gives Daycare owners financial peace of mind by taking care of the Accounting and Financial aspects of running their centers, so that they can focus on the love and care for the little ones. She helps Daycare owners save on taxes and grow their wealth through sound tax strategies. With her unique skills and expertise gained through an in-depth study of the Daycare industry, she is the trusted success partner of her clients.